Many years ago, we found ourselves in a difficult house buying experience and we thought we were about to lose our dream house, because of bad timing and a temporary lack of funds. I fretted for an entire weekend, but when I showed up on Monday morning, everyone assured us that this would not happen on their watch. We were eternally grateful to have a local bank as partners in this venture. We were elated and knew we were protected from the many problems associated with getting a mortgage. I can’t say enough positives about Piscataqua Savings!
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News & Insights
August 25, 2020 News
Press Releases
Piscataqua Savings Bank Announces New Corporators, Recognizes Long-Term Employees At Annual Meeting
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August 26, 2021 B Corporation
How Piscataqua Savings Bank Became A B Corp
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March 22, 2023 Insights
Tips for Saving for a Down Payment on Your First Home