Your Local Bank Since 1877
For almost 150 years, we’ve been committed to our core values of quality service and competitive products, provided in a manner consistent with sound and prudent banking practices.
For almost 150 years, we’ve been committed to our core values of quality service and competitive products, provided in a manner consistent with sound and prudent banking practices.
We have everything you need in one location, and because we’re housed under one roof, we can offer a unique opportunity to our customers: immediate access to all levels of decision-making. This translates to superior customer service for all your personal financial needs.
As one of the Seacoast’s leading home mortgage lenders, we offer both fixed and adjustable rates across a wide range of loan types.
Keep your money close to home. Our friendly, experienced staff will help you find the right account for your needs.
We help individuals and families achieve their major long-term financial goals with wealth management strategies for investment and retirement accounts.