As we journey through life, our financial landscape evolves with us. Whether you’re nearing retirement, enjoying your golden years, or simply seeking a trusted partner to manage your wealth, Piscataqua Savings Bank stands ready to guide you towards a secure and prosperous future.

At the heart of PSB’s Trust and Investment management services lies a commitment to understanding your unique financial goals and crafting personalized strategies to help you achieve them. For those in the esteemed 50-75 years age bracket who have already established their financial foothold but are contemplating a switch to a more dedicated financial partner, or considering offloading certain responsibilities, PSB offers an array of specialized services through our Trust and Investments team. Whether you’re looking to preserve your wealth, generate income during retirement, or plan for the next generation, our team of experienced professionals is here to assist you every step of the way.

Investment Management

One of the key pillars of our Trust and Investment services is investment management. With decades of experience navigating the complexities of the financial markets, our seasoned investment advisors work diligently to construct diversified portfolios tailored to your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial objectives.

We begin by learning about your unique financial goals. This involves conversations about how to distribute assets among equities, fixed income, and money market funds. We explore your risk tolerance alongside expected returns, time horizon, income requirements, tax or legal considerations, and any distinctive investment preferences you may have. Finally, we’ll put it all together to design an investment strategy tailored for you.

Estate Planning

Estate planning, another critical component of our comprehensive Trust and Investment services, ensures that your assets are preserved and distributed according to your wishes. Our estate planning services are designed to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your legacy is secure. Our team works closely with you and your attorney to develop a customized estate plan that reflects your unique needs and goals. We take a team approach to ensure that your estate is managed efficiently and effectively. 

One of the key benefits of working with PSB for your estate planning needs is our holistic approach. We integrate estate planning with your overall financial strategy, ensuring that all aspects of your wealth are considered. Our advisors take the time to understand your family dynamics and long-term objectives, providing personalized guidance to help you make informed decisions. Whether you aim to minimize tax liabilities, protect your assets, or ensure a smooth transfer of wealth to future generations, our team is committed to helping you achieve your goals with clarity and confidence.

Trust Administration

Our trust administration services ensure that the assets held in trust are managed according to your specific instructions and in the best interest of your beneficiaries. We handle all aspects of trust management with precision and care, from asset allocation and investment management to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By acting as a trustee or providing support to your chosen trustee, we offer peace of mind that your trust will be administered efficiently and ethically. Our experienced team is dedicated to safeguarding your legacy, ensuring that your financial goals are met, and that your beneficiaries receive the support and guidance they need.

If you’re considering a switch to a trusted financial partner or looking to offload certain financial responsibilities, look no further than Piscataqua Savings Bank. With our comprehensive suite of Trust and Investment services and a team of seasoned professionals by your side, you can take the next steps towards a secure and prosperous future. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your financial goals.

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