Piscataqua Savings Bank is the proud supporter of over 130 Seacoast area nonprofits. We’re highlighting a few of the nonprofits doing incredible, critical work in our Seacoast community with our Seacoast Spotlight Series. Next up in our spotlight is the Safe Harbor Recovery Center, an entity of Granite Pathways. 

Safe Harbor Recovery Center, an entity of Granite Pathways, provides support and community for individuals on their recovery journey or dealing with substance use disorders. The center offers comprehensive assistance for those seeking recovery and a sense of belonging among others who are navigating the path to a new, fulfilling life. Safe Harbor also extends its services to the families and loved ones of individuals facing substance use challenges, offering a range of support options to meet the needs of everyone involved.

Granite Pathways – A Community Organization

Granite Pathways, established in 2009 as a peer-led recovery center in Manchester, NH, is committed to addressing substance use disorders and mental health recovery by offering a holistic approach that creates opportunities for individuals and families to achieve health and socioeconomic well-being. The organization began as a grassroots initiative that introduced the evidence-based “clubhouse” model in New Hampshire, focusing on self-help community engagement to eliminate isolation and provide hope, dignity, and recovery options for adults with mental illness. 

In 2016, Granite Pathways merged with The Fedcap Group, an international nonprofit dedicated to providing opportunities for those with barriers to economic well-being. This partnership allowed Granite Pathways to expand its services into workforce development and education, while also broadening its support for individuals struggling with mental illness or substance use disorders. One of Granite Pathways’ hallmark programs is its peer recovery services, as research consistently demonstrates that peer-led support is the most effective approach for substance use recovery. Through its comprehensive services and community-oriented initiatives, Granite Pathways continues to foster resilience and hope for individuals and families on their journey to recovery.

A Safe and Supportive Community for Recovery

Safe Harbor Recovery Center embraces a diverse community of people, providing a range of services that cater to the unique needs of each person. From peer-led recovery groups to one-on-one counseling and wellness programs, Safe Harbor’s offerings are designed to empower individuals and guide them on the path to a new, enriched life. The center also recognizes the importance of supporting families and loved ones, offering resources and guidance to strengthen the network of care around those in recovery.

The cornerstone of Safe Harbor’s approach is its focus on peer recovery services. Safe Harbor’s dedicated team of peer counselors, many of whom have experienced recovery themselves, provide empathy and encouragement as they walk alongside individuals on their recovery journey.

Safe Harbor Recovery Center is not only a place for healing but also a community where individuals can connect, share their experiences, and find hope for the future. By prioritizing a well-ordered and inclusive environment, Safe Harbor empowers individuals to overcome challenges and build the life they desire.

If you or someone you know is in need of recovery support, consider reaching out to Safe Harbor Recovery Center. Discover their services and how they can guide you toward a brighter future by contacting Director Whitney Brown at wbrown@granitepathways.org.

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