Piscataqua Savings Bank is the proud supporter of over 130 Seacoast area nonprofits. We’re highlighting a few of the nonprofits doing incredible, critical work in our Seacoast community with our Seacoast Spotlight Series. Next up in our spotlight is The Gundalow Company.

Nestled in the heart of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Gundalow Company stands as a unique blend of historical preservation and environmental education. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to protecting the Piscataqua Region’s maritime heritage and environment through education and action. By engaging the community with hands-on experiences and a deep dive into the past, the Gundalow Company offers a compelling narrative of the region’s rich history and a vision for a sustainable future.

A Glimpse into History

The Gundalow Company’s story begins with the iconic gundalows themselves, flat-bottomed cargo barges that once navigated the shallow waters of New England’s rivers and estuaries. These vessels were the lifeline of commerce in the 17th to 19th centuries, transporting goods such as lumber, bricks, and hay between inland communities and coastal ports. The gundalow’s design, tailored to the region’s unique waterways, is a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of early settlers.

In 2002, the Gundalow Company was founded with the mission to build a replica gundalow and use it as a floating classroom. This vision came to life with the construction of the gundalow “Piscataqua,” launched in 2011. The Piscataqua now serves as a living museum, offering educational programs and public sails that connect participants with the maritime history and ecology of the region.

Education and Engagement

At the core of the Gundalow Company’s mission is education. The organization offers a variety of programs designed to engage learners of all ages. School programs, summer camps, and public sails provide hands-on learning experiences that highlight the importance of environmental stewardship and maritime history. By stepping aboard the Piscataqua, participants can immerse themselves in the life of a 19th-century gundalow captain, learning about navigation, cargo handling, and the ecological significance of the region’s waterways.

The Gundalow Company’s educational programs are not just about history; they also emphasize contemporary environmental issues. Programs focus on water quality, marine ecosystems, and the impacts of climate change, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship among participants. These educational efforts are vital in promoting sustainable practices and encouraging community action to protect the region’s natural resources.

Community Connection

The Gundalow Company’s impact extends beyond its educational programs. The organization plays a vital role in the community, serving as a hub for cultural events, workshops, and collaborative projects. From hosting concerts and lectures to participating in local festivals, the Gundalow Company fosters a strong sense of community and connection to the region’s maritime heritage.

One of the standout initiatives is the Gundalow Gatherings, a series of intimate events that bring people together to discuss topics related to history, the environment, and sustainability. These gatherings create a space for dialogue, learning, and community building, reinforcing the Gundalow Company’s commitment to education and engagement.

Looking Ahead

As the Gundalow Company continues to grow, its vision for the future remains rooted in its core values of education, preservation, and community engagement. The organization is actively exploring new ways to expand its programs and reach a broader audience. Initiatives such as virtual programming and partnerships with other educational institutions are on the horizon, ensuring that the Gundalow Company’s mission continues to thrive in an ever-changing world.

The Gundalow Company is more than just a nonprofit organization; it is a living testament to the region’s maritime heritage and a beacon of environmental education. Through its innovative programs and community involvement, the Gundalow Company inspires individuals to connect with their history, understand the importance of environmental stewardship, and take action to protect the natural world. By preserving the legacy of the gundalows and fostering a sense of responsibility for the environment, the Gundalow Company is charting a course towards a sustainable and vibrant future for the Piscataqua Region.

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